Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mommy, Is Santa Claus Real?

As the holidays approached this year I had a heavy heart. Knowing this could very well be the last year that Dylan believes in Santa Claus and wanting to make it the best Christmas ever was something that I struggled with for the past few days. Financially, I just couldn't afford the iPad we both wanted - although it would have been the perfect gift to both of us. I knew that he would be happy with whatever he got Christmas morning, but as single parent I always worry if he is getting everything he needs.

So last night when Dylan asked, "Mommy, is Santa Claus real?" I almost told him the truth.

However, after a wonderful sermon at church about believing in the spirit of Christmas and the wonderful gift that God gave to us, I had a change of heart. As Dylan lay tossing and turning in bed - unable to fall asleep because he was so excited for Santa to come - I asked him if he wanted me to tell him a story.

I read him The Night Before Christmas (our annual tradition) and then told him about believing in Christmas magic. The magic of Santa. I told him that if he believed with all his heart in the magical spirit of Santa Claus, then Santa would come. I told him that Santa was whatever he believed him to be. I told him that Santa had been watching him all year long and was very proud of him - and that I knew for a fact he was on the nice list. All of this was true. I was not lying about anything.

Santa Claus is a magical belief that brings joy to children of all ages. The spirit of giving something that is so special, it only comes once a year. A gift that will bring happiness and love to whoever receives the gift.

We cannot see God, but we believe in God and that he gave us a gift, the gift of his only son.

Nobody has ever seen Santa Claus - and I doubt they ever will. But this doesn't mean that you can't believe in him. Believing in something gives you hope. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today.

Presents - yes, Santa Claus brings presents. But is it the presents that get us excited or is it the anticipation of finding out what's inside of them? Does it matter who gives the presents to you or how much they cost? No, what matters is that someone thought of you and decided to give you something special.

I don't think this was the story that Dylan had in mind, but I do believe he enjoyed it. I ended the story with asking him the same question he had asked me ... "Dylan, is Santa Claus real?"

"Yes Mom, if you believe."

This morning after opening presents, Dylan came over to me as I sat on the couch drinking my coffee and gave me the biggest hug. I think it was hug #6 (I only gave him two presents, the others were from Santa) and he said, "Thanks Mom, I believe in you."

Does this mean he knows who Santa is? I'm not sure and I didn't bother asking.


  1. wonderful post Michelle ... I'm sitting here at my desk crying ... so very touching!!
