
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Bunny Is Awesome!

Yes, at almost 8 years old Dylan still wakes up at 6:30 am to see what the Easter Bunny brought to him. After all his dental work, Dylan was a little worried because his sugar intake is now limited. What will the Easter Bunny bring me?

To make sure the Easter Bunny still stopped by our house, we made special Easter Eggs for him to find and hide. No ordinary dyed eggs would do this year... we made our own colored eggs with melted crayon wax!  What a cool science experiment too. As soon as the eggs came out of the hot water, Dylan carefully applied the crayon to the egg. Instead of just coloring the egg, the crayon began to melt and the result was a beautiful shinny finish on each egg. And the best part, no messy dye to clean up!

Much to Dylan's surprise, the Easter Bunny filled his basket with not candy ... but LEGO's! The best part, he didn't even care about the candy! A couple eggs filled with jellybeans and a small box of chocolate sat in the basket while Dylan ripped open the new Pirates of the Caribbean LEGO's and began building at 7 am.

Now it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the annual egg hunt in the backyard. This is one of Dylan's favorite things because he knows these eggs contain something much better than candy ... MONEY!

Ok, this is just a little too easy. Maybe Grandpa needs to think of some new hiding places for the eggs next year.

Dylan found all 24 plastic eggs and walked away with $7 plus a few chocolate eggs. After all was said and done, Dylan said, "Mom, the Easter Bunny is Awesome!"

Make your child smile like Dylan did with the newest Lego Collection, Pirates of the Caribbean. 

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